Antenatal and Postnatal Care in a Paternalistic Healthcare environment by Bernadette Connolly – Streatham Osteopaths
Even now in 2017 there is still a significant struggle for the idea of gender equality in the UK. Our country being one of the worst for the gender pay gap (The Guardian, May 2016), our government having less female MP’s than Rwanda (The Telegraph, October 2016) and...
An Osteopathic approach to Neck and Upper Back injuries on Open Water Swimming.
When examining a patient, as an Osteopath, our aim is to optimise function, not just in local areas but also globally. This is governed by the maxim “Structure Governs Function”. By this we mean if you look at the Anatomy (Structure) of a region, you can tell whats...
Probiotics-The benefits for Athletes!
Although much of your athletic performance originates in your muscles, other bodily systems also contribute. Interestingly, your gut may have a larger contribution to your overall performance than you may have thought. Your gut microbiome plays a role in your immune...
Neem Shows Promise in Prostate Cancer Treatment
October 24, 2016 | 193,618 views By Dr. Mercola Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. According to the latest statistics, about 181,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the United States. However, although common, it has...
How Alkaline are you? Beating Cancer!
"No disease, including cancer, can exist in an Alkaline environment"Dr.Otto Warburg. 1931. Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery. Dr. Warburg has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency,this leads to an acidic state in the3 human body. He...
The Benefits of Cranial-Sacral Osteopathy for Babies and Children.
In a complicated birth, a baby can face a number of stressful challenges on her journey into this world. Some evidence suggests that a high percentage of all newborn babies may still hold a degree of birth stress afterwards. The bones of the head are separate moving...
Great Benefits of Acupuncture
Available at Streatham Osteopaths every Wed/Sat Randomised controlled trial of contralateral manual acupuncture for the relief of chronic shoulder pain. Zhang H, et al. Acupunct Med. 2016. Show full citation Abstract OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of contralateral...